the 80/20 rule

Know more about the 80/20 rule which helps to achieve more with less effort.

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About the 80/20 rule.

The 80/20 rule reveals that a few percent of inputs or efforts contribute to many outputs and rewards. This Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto discovered this principle in 1897. Also known as Pareto law or Pareto Principle. The 80 percent of what you achieve in your job mostly depends on the 20 percent of time spent. Even though it is contrary to many people’s beliefs, the 80/20 rule is suitable for all fields, including daily life.

About the 80/20 rule

In a company, 20 percent of products account for 80 percent of sales. Like that 20 percent of customers supports 80 percent of profit. In Society, 20 percent of criminals is the reason for the 80 percent of the value of crime. Even 20 percent of drivers cause 80 percent of accidents.

You will wear 20 percent of your clothes 80 percent of the time. The alarm ring 80 percent of the time is set off by 20 percent by a false reason. And so 20 percent of people have 80 percent of total wealth. The point is not about the mathematical percentage of an exact match of 80/20. It may be 75/25, 65/35, or 70/30 also. The internal combustion engine is also an example of the 80/20 rule. The engine waste 80 percent of energy for combustion, and only 20 of the input is used as 100 percent of output to wheels.

Why 80/20 rule is so important?.

The 80/20 rule is very important because you can achieve more with less effort. In schools exams too, many students got high marks with less effort by the 80/20 rule. Consider two students Mohan and Ram, Mohan studies for a full day covering all syllabus gets an average mark. While Ram prepares few hours covering the previous year and important questions with full concentrations(due to less hour preparation) gets more marks than Mohan. You can also witness the speed of an athlete in 100m and 10,000m races.

Instead of spending your effort equally on the areas. Put more effort into the 20 percent activities which give 80 percent result to be more productive.

the 80/20 rule
The 80/20 rule

Work less, Live more.

Life is to enjoy and live more. Everyone can achieve something remarkable, the point is not the effort but finding the correct thing to achieve. You can be more productive in a particular action than others. But if you dilute your performance by doing many things, your skill will reduce. You can win if you select the right competition, the right team, and the methods.

Choose a niche you can enjoy and excel.

Specialize in an area you can enjoy and excel. Everyone has an interest in something, so choose the field you already have an interest. Start to know more about the niche until you think no one knows more than you. Don’t hesitate to start from zero, because every successful person also started from zero once. At night time if you travel in the vehicle just the next 500 mts are visible due to headlight. Does it mean you can travel only 500 mts?. No, after reaching the first 500 mts, the next 500 mts will be visible likewise until you reach your destination you will get a visible path, how long it may be. So first set a goal you will automatically get a path step by step visible to reach the goal.

Also Read: Why is Goal setting important in wealth building?.

The 80/20 rule
About the 80/20 rule

Time is a friend.

According to the 80/20 principle, time is our friend and not an enemy. Because time gone is not lost, like a friend, time come again. If you double your time on the top 20 percent of activities, you can improve a lot. There is not a shortage of time, but the fact is you spend the majority of time in low-quality ways.

Do the things that give you joy. Make them your job. Most of the people who became rich achieved the bonus of becoming rich by doing work they enjoy. So, 20 percent of people not only have 80 percent of total wealth. But also they have 80 percent of enjoyment from work. The simple logic is if you have enjoyed what you do, you can achieve more. There is no value in doing work you don’t enjoy.


The Game changer.

As time moves, you will know about the true potential of the 80/20 rule. Some problems in your life are worthless, and you best neglect to move forward.If you have no time for the gym, instead of joining a gym and doing heavy workouts and not doing some work, it’s better to have walks and pushups. Concentrating on the possible actions is the real game-changer. The 82/20 rule helps you achieve the goal by focussing on the 20 percent of activities that matter.

You have now know more about the 80/20 rule. It need not be always the 80/20 it can be any number. The main point is inputs and outputs are unbalanced. To achieve more with less effort you should put effort into 20 percent work which gives the majority result. This does not mean the remaining 80 percent of work is waste. If you know your vehicle has a damaged part, then only can repair it. If you don’t know the damaged part how will you make it better?. Likewise after knowing the less efficient 80 percent work only you can improve it.

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