The Ticket rates are Rs 100, Rs 150, and Rs 200. You will get back seats for Rs 100, middle seats for Rs 150. And front seats for Rs 200. Children need to get full tickets. The location of the circus is at Raghunathpur, A-Team ground, Raghunathpur. At the price of Rs 100, you will be entertained.
About the Circus show.
In the world of the circus, Ajanta has a special place for its shows and gymnasts from various parts of the world. For More than 50 years it gives a fantasy feel to people. The Joker show is fun to watch and gives us good relaxation. A Motorcycle in a cage ball is a signature show that gives you a thrilling feel. Shows with the performance of Horses, dogs, and birds freshes you.
Moreover, children will definitely enjoy the show. And for elders, it helps to revisit their old memories of the circus. There are no animal shows involving lions, tigers, and other animals. So, there is a bit of disappointment for animal lovers. But overall a good show to relax at an affordable price.
What is the show timing of Ajanta circus in Raghunathpur?
The show timing is 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, and 7:00 PM
What is the Ajanta Circus ticket rate?
The Ticket rate are Rs 100, Rs 150, and Rs 200.
Where is the Ajanta Circus location in Raghunathpur?
The location of the circus is at Raghunathpur, A-Team ground, Raghunathpur