IIBF JAIIB & CAIIB Revised syllabus.

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IIBF JAIIB & CAIIB exams are the most commonly and majorly attending exams of bank employees. Now the syllabus of these exams will be revised in the future. The Banking and Finance fields have undergone many changes in the past decade. Technology, digital banking, alternate banking channel, and increasing competition result in a shift in banking. So, based on the transition, IIBF expands the focus from basic knowledge gathering to developing and enhancing concept-based skills.

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Updated syllabus

To keep the syllabus with the developments and to provide more value addition to the IIBF flagship courses. The Syllabi of JAIIB/DB&F/CAIIB have been revised to make them more conceptual and updated.

JAIIB / DB&F (4 compulsory papers)

S.noNames of the Subjects
1Indian Economy & Indian Financial System
2Principles & Practices of Banking
3Accounting & Financial Management for Bankers
4Retail Banking & Wealth Management

CAIIB (4 compulsory papers + 1 elective paper)  

Sr.noNames of the Compulsory Subjects
1Advanced Bank Management
2Bank Financial Management
3Advanced Business & Financial Management.
4Banking Regulations & Business Laws
Names of the Elective Subjects
(Choose any one subject)
1Risk Management
2Information Technology & Digital Banking
3Central Banking
4Human Resources Management
5Rural Banking

Implementation of Revised Syllabus.

The JAIIB & CAIIB exams in the revised syllabus are proposed to be held from May/June 2023 tentatively. Last exams in the old syllabus(present syllabus) will be held on Nov/Dec 22, after that, it will be discontinued.

IIBF JAIIB & CAIIB revised syllabus
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